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  • March & April

    5th March - Cutting Garden - Early Spring

    12th March - Kitchen Garden - Early Spring

    21st March - Terrapy Terrariums

    22nd March - Botanical Block Printing

    28th March - Modern Calligraphy

    2nd April - Plant Propagation

    4th April - Willow Weaving a Garden Obelisk

  • May onwards

    7th May - Cutting Garden Late Spring Early Summer

    8th May - Introduction to Book Binding

    9th May - Introduction to Slipware Pottery

    14th May - Kitchen Garden Late Spring Early Summer

    16th May - Weave a Traditional Shallow Frame Basket.

    17th May - Silk Printing Workshop

    4th June - Soil Health & Compost

    2nd July - Cutting Garden Midsummer

    9th July - Kitchen Garden Midsummer

    3rd September - Cutting Garden Late Summer Early Autumn

    10th September - Kitchen Garden Late Summer Early Autumn

    19th September - Garden Photography Masterclass

    5th November - Cutting Garden Winter

    12th November - Kitchen Garden Winter

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